Terrace Beach Association
FEB. 22, 2024
PRESENT: Bill Graham, Suzanne Lyons, Nicole Flora, Scott Lubich (Scott arrived 5:45)
TREASURER’S REPORT: Bill gave the treasurer’s report. The bank account has
$1540.00, The paid bills include: 314.00 encroachments, 206.00 PO Box, 93.00 checks.
Unpaid liabilities: 1500.00 approx insurance, 300.00 approx. re key, 35.00 address list,
350.00 Mailing for Gen. Meeting, 350.00 approx. for white pier repair, green pier repair
unknown, 2500.00 unpaid approx, 1540.00 on hand 960.00 approx. shortfall. A proposal
was made to accept the report. Nicole objected saying she wanted actual figures for the
estimated ones. She suggested we look for a grant to pay for pier repairs.
OLD BUSINESS : Report that Venmo was probably not viable currently as key exchange
requires in person contact. Nicole left the meeting (6:10).
Remaining members, citing the immediate necessity to repair the piers, solicited a motion
to: re key, close the piers until insurance secured, allocate the $350.00 in materials to fix
the white pier, and accept the treasurer’s report. This motion was made by Bill, 2
nd by
Scott, and passed unanimously.
NEW BUSINESS : General Meeting date discussed. Dates considered were April 13
and April 20. A motion was made by Suzanne to accept either date depending on when the
County can get the address list to us and when the flier can be designed and mailed. Bill
seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Bill contacted State to reinstate non profit
Suzanne will post meeting information on the FB page. She will check with the insurance
company to see if we can pay in installments. We need to make a reservation at Round
Table to use their conference room for the General Meeting. The flier needs to be designed
(sample 2019 letter) adding a request that people give phone/e- mail information for
contact work parties.
Suzanne gave letter of resignation from the board as she will not be available during the
summer months.
Meeting adjourned 7:05
February 2021
(HELD VIA ZOOM due to COVID FEB. 2021)
ATTENDANCE: Nicole and Alan Flora, Bill Graham, Courtney Lucas, Suzanne and Amanda Lyons, Gary Reisner. (This meeting was held via zoom because of Covid 19 so attendance was problematic for some members). 4 proxies were received from current members.
Current Balance: $3163.41
Bills paid to date: Insurance (Team Insurance Co) $1514.43 pd. 11/25/20, Encroachments 2 piers $187.00 pd. 11/20/20, Post Office box $106 pd. Sept. 2020. Address list from County $32.50. Mailer and postage $350.00.
Anticipated bills to be paid: $275.00 for re-key (keys and locksmith).
OLD BUSINESS: New by laws never forwarded to secretary. Old by laws only allow $50 expenditures without full membership vote. Motion to raise ceiling that board could approve to amount that would cover ongoing expenses like insurance, mailer and re key expenses. Motion by Courtney, 2nd Suzanne, unanimous passed.
Several years ago full membership voted to have beach along Lakeshore from white pier to swim beach cleared each year by hired worker. This was only done once as money has not been available. No ceiling amount was set for this expenditure and a few members have done it or paid out of pocket to
have it done. Should we make a ceiling for this expenditure in case we ever have the money to hire a worker to do it? Members who have kept it up are getting older and cannot keep it up by themselves. Motion to make ceiling expenditure of $350 for person to keep up beach property from white pier to swim beach by Nicole, Courtney 2nd. Unanimous approval.
NEW BUSINESS: We need to compile a list of people who can help when repairs, problems arise. Roofs on both piers need repair right now for example. How do we contact those willing and able to help? Nicole suggested a facebook page linked to the website where we could post such a list and get volunteers. Nicole volunteered to set up the page and Amanda will link it to the website. Suzanne will send a list of members to Nicole.
Discussion of membership dues. We would like to lower the dues, but without a larger membership group we cannot do that and still pay our mandatory expenses. At present the dues are $100 per year (which is very reasonable) but people still complain. This year the keys will be handed out and the dues will be collected at the May 1st beach clean up. Members showing up to help with the clean up will get a $25.00 discount on their dues for the 2021 season. They will pay $75.00. Courtney suggested that the association get a Venmo account so people could just pay their dues on line or on their phones. Treasurer will look into that and information will be posted on the facebook page.
Nicole Wagner resigned from the board. Nicole Flora offered to become a Terrace Beach Association member. Suzanne motioned to accept her.
Unanimous confirmation. Alan Flora and Nicole offered refurbish some of the beach furniture.
Minutes submitted by Suzanne Lyons, Secretary Terrace Beach Association
ATTENDANCE: Board Members Nicole Wagner, Suzanne Lyons, Bill Graham, Amanda Lyons, (Scott Lubich absent). Guest Courtney Lucas
Board member Nicole Wagner nominated Courtney Lucas to fill vacant seat on board. Unanimous in favor. Courtney Lucas board member.
$2918.23 balance in checking account
Bills paid to date: $1514.43 pd. 11/25/20 Team Insurance
$ 187.00 pd. 11/20/20 Encroachment fees
$ 106.00 pd. PO box
Bills to be paid 2021:
$275-300 (approx.) for re key
$350 (approx. for mail meeting notice)
$150 Website hosting
BUSINESS: data disk request to county 10/1/20. Contact person Cathy LaCota
Board decision to hold the re key for 2021 at the clean up meeting in the spring to get the re key and dues inline after several years of off set because of fire, flood and pestilence. Spring meeting date set for May 1, 2021 10 AM to noon. Rain date May 15, 2021.
Discussion of how to handle general meeting during covid. Meeting set for Feb. 13, 2021 at 1 PM. Need time to get mailer out and get e-mail addresses from members in order to hold zoom meeting.
Courtney will try to get old Terrace website down. Suzanne will try to get Admin. Information from Shelly Green.
Submitted minutes, Suzanne Lyons
April 9, 2020
General Meeting November 19, 2019 ( For 2020 calendar year)
Attendance: Board members: Scott Lubich, Bill Graham, Suzanne Lyons, Nicole Wagner. Members: Gary Riesen, Sharon Mathewson, Aelene Hanlon, and others.
Unfortunately, the actual minutes from this meeting have been misplaced. The following is a reconstruction for the purpose of giving the membership information about where the association stands at this time.
TREASURER'S REPORT: ( as of 2/28/2020 )
current bank balance 3,424.60
current paid membership 36
ongoing expenses paid: Insurance $ 1391.50 (Paid November 2019), encroachments $ 89.00 (Paid Februrary 2020) First pier encroachment $ 94.00 paid November 2019. County did not get the second bill out until Februrary 2020.
Lock Change and re key $ 222.88 Nov. 8, 1019
$ 50.14 pizza for general meeting
$ 156.01 mailing notice of general meeting
$ 32.50 address list from county
$ 92.00 post office box rent
NEW BUSINESS: Discussion about cost of dues. The proposal to make the dues $50 per year for members who pay before December 31 and $50 each for members who bring in a new member (one who has not been a member in the past 2 years) was approved by the general membership.
The existing Board of Directors was approved for the 2020 year with the exception of Joe Supello who was replaced by Amanda Lyons who is the new tech support person and web page designer.
OLD BUSINESS: We have an on going need for more members. We need people who will help with the beach clean up, getting piers and beach weatherized for the winter, and refurbishing the beach furniture and amenities and opening up the beach swim entrance . We also need to clean up the by laws which have not been revisited since 1968. New members, who use the facilities will create a better association and help keep membership dues affordable.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 4:30 PM
June 2, 2019
Board Meeting 2019
Attendance- Board members: Bill Graham, Suzanne Lyons, Nicole Wagner, Joe Supello, Scott Lubich, Amanda Lyons- Web and Technical Advisor
Current bank balance 4/30/19: 3,282.89
# paid members to date: 28
Ongoing expenses:
Insurance for 2019- paid
Lake bed encroachment
$ PO Box
$ Addresses from County
$ re key and lock repair
$ stamps/mailing
Discussion : Clean up and key distribution day set for June 22, 2019. Members with keys paid for after or at the Fall General Meeting Dec. 1, 2018 and before June 22, 2019 have keys that remain good until the next general meeting. You do not need to get a new key. The membership fees are now $100 per year. The raise in fees was necessary in order to meet our ongoing expenses. Because of the damage done to the green pier and the closure of the facilities for 2016, no keys were issued for a season. This depleted the bank account to a level that did not meet ongoing expenses. At less than 10 dollars per month this is still a very good deal. Scott L. will make a Face Book group with members in good standing included. It will link to this website for ongoing information.
Discussion: Bill G. reported we only have 3 keys and need to order more before the clean up. A motion was made by Nikki W. to authorize Bill to purchase 10 new keys at a cost of $50. Motion passed unan.
Discussion: The swim float sustained major damage in this winter's storms. There are issues with the ramp that has sunk and the float itself. We hope to tow the float to the beach and dismantle it there as it is not repairable. We want to get this accomplished before the clean up. Getting the ramp up and out of the way, and marking the stairs are issues that need to be attended to. Members with equipment and know how should contact Scott Lubich or Bill Graham. Contact information is available on this website at Contact (e-mail) or Board of Directors page.
Discussion: Discussion about how to contact members and potential members. For the clean up Suzanne L. will fashion a banner to be displayed at the beach with the date of the clean up and contact information for those who want to purchase keys. Scott and Amanda L. will work on Face Book and website. It is expensive and time consuming to send snail mail to all property members in the Terraces, so we only do this to alert property owners about the General Meeting in the fall. A motion was made by Scott L. to reimburse Suzanne L. for the cost of the website posting. Motion passed Unan.
Discussion: Condition of the tables at the beach. Joe S. offered to donate 1 new table to the association. (Way to go Joe!) A motion was made by Nikki W. to allocate $100 for the purchase of oil cloth to cover 2 tables and benches for this season. This was very successful in previous years. We are looking for someone who has a portable generator and belt sander for use at the beach to get the tables ready to paint. The tables were very expensive 20 years ago when they were purchased and would be too expensive to replace at today's prices. Joe S. left meeting at 11:45. A motion was made to allocate $100 for the purchase of paint and supplies for the tables. Passed unan.
Discussion: The sign on the green pier has disappeared. We need a new sign that says, " members only, capacity 25 persons and no diving or lifeguard." A motion was made by Scott L. to purchase a sign(and or stencil) stating this at a cost of not more than $75. Motion passed unan. We need to add the web address to the sign at the beach. Suzanne L. will do this.
Meeting adjourned at 12:15
Suzanne Lyons, Secretary
December 1, 2018
General Meeting 2018
Attendance- Board members: Bill Graham, Suzanne Lyons, Nicole Wagner, nine members: Arlene Hanlon, Lisa Cambridge, Jan Henson,Phil Mathewson, Gaia, Pete Dodson, Buz and Terry Dereniuk, Jan Kespohl, plus 11 proxies. Board members not in attendance: Joe Sepello, Scott Lubich, Shelley Green, Mike Icay.
TREASURER'S REPORT: As of Oct. 2018 checking account balance $2,387.97
$2,900 yearly income
$3,165 yearly expenses
$745 deficit for year at current membership rate
$2122 current balance
# paid members 2018 44 members
Ongoing expenses:
$1521 Insurance
$175 Lake bed encroachment
$82.00 PO Box
$32 Addresses from County
$250 re key and lock repair
$200 stamps/mailing
NEW BUSINESS: The Porta Potty has cost $320 for 4 months. Does membership want to continue this expense for this coming year? After discussion, Gaia made motion to cancel Porta Potty for 2019. Jan 2nd. 17 yes, 1 abstain. Motion carried.
Discussion about keeping records of association. Historical information lost over the years from fire, flood and neglect includes: Minutes, by laws, financial records, membership eligibility book, etc. Should the association get safe deposit box. Nicole Wagner made motion to get a safe deposit box for keeping historical information and minutes of previous year. Arlene 2nd. 17 yes, 1 abstain.
Discussion about raising revenue for association. Gary R. spoke about a 1978-79 assessment for weed abatement. Ford in assessors office had no time to research. Gary and Nicole will research. Members discussed how association to remain solvent for the coming year (2019). Considered how much we would need to raise dues to keep ongoing expenses paid. Gaia made motion to raise association dues to $100 per year effective Jan. 1, 2019. Nicole 2nd. 17 ayes, 1 no. Motion carried. Gary will put up signage on Lakeshore Blvd. and Gieselman St. to advise residents to get their dues paid before the first of Jan.
Pete Dodson stated that he was happy with the way the association was being run under the current board. He congratulated the board on their ability to work together and get business done. He felt the association was being "well managed."
Discussion was held about electing a board of directors. Jan Kespohl made a motion to keep the current board. This motion passed. Then the issue of keeping Shelly Green on the board when she was unable to come to meetings was considered. Phil Mathewson made a motion to keep the board but eliminate Shelly and replace her. Terry Dereniuk offered to be a new board member. Jan Kespohl 2nd the motion and the motion passes unanimously. (18-0)
Gaia asked about using pay pal to let potential members pay on line. Suzanne will look into this. Gary spoke about direct mail rates for non profits citing 19 cents apiece for mailing. The issue was brought up again about indemnifying the board against law suites. Suzanne will check with the insurance company.
A motion was made by Phil to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 PM
Suzanne Lyons, Secretary
October 27, 2018
Meeting called to order at 2:30 PM. In attendance: Scott Lubich, Suzanne Lyons, Bill Graham, Nicole Wagner and Joe Supello. Absent board members: Shelley Green, Mike Icay. Amanda Lyons attended as tech support person.
Treasurer's Report: Checking Account Balance $ 3819.46. Bills due are $175 for encroachment payments for 2 piers, $80.00 Action Sanitary porta potty, $250 for re key, $26 incorporation and under $2000.00, for insurance,
New Business: We need to send notice to eligible residents for the general meeting. Date, time, and location decision to be made. It will be too cold to meet at the beach. Dates considered were Dec. 1 and Dec 8, 2018. Nicole made motion to hold the meeting on Dec. 1, 2018 at 11AM to 1PM. 2nd by Bill Graham. Unanimous decision. Meeting to be held in conference room at Round Table Pizza with the association providing pizza. Nicole will call Round Table and reserve room.
Re key needs to happen before meeting. Bill will call lock smith and order re key. The lock on the beach gate is falling apart. We need to fix it or get new lock. Bill will speak to locksmith about what to do. Nicole motioned to approve $250 for re key. Suzanne 2nd. After more discussion motion was ammended fo approve up to $300 unanimous .
Need to get mailer out to residents. Discussion followed about buying tax role disk from Assessor's office, labels, envelopes, printing, and postage. Nicole motioned to approve $200 for mailing. Bill 2nd. Unanimous. Nicole will get addresses from Assessor. Joe offered to provide stamps. Scott will see if he has envelopes to donate. Will hire G&G Printing for the printing.
Suzanne offered to pay for the web site for another year. Shelley needs to remove previous web site as the payment information is incorrect. Suzanne will check with bank about taking pay pal for on line membership.
Joe started discussion about making new position on board for IT person to manage web site. Will bring to general membership at general meeting. Joe has been working on cleaning up beach area and area around the green pier. He has lots of equipment he is will to share. Nicole, Suzanne, Bill and Scott have done work on clean up for south end of beach property. Dennis Elliston has fixed the white pier and is keeping it in repair. Discussion about need to keep property locked. Piers need to be locked for insurance purposes.
Meeting adjourned 3PM.
Since meeting Bill has worked on contacting Team Insurance and Financial for new insurance quote. Contact person: Ashley at (707) 462-5901 for Clear Lake Terrace Inc.
MAY 12, 2018
Meeting called to order 3PM. Members Present: Scott Lubich, Bill Graham, Joe Szupello, Nicole Wagner, Suzanne Lyons, Amanda Lyons (web designer/tech support) Board members not present: Shellie Green, Mike Icay.
TREASURER'S REPORT: Bill Graham reported 39 paid members at $50 @ since Oct. 2017. Checking balance $3648.96. We we still need to pay insurance at approx. $2000. Other anticipated costs are: $80.00 PO Box, $26.00 corp. filing, $175.00 encroachment, $400.00 porta potty (3 ½ mo.), $100.00 fence repair, $100.00 food for clean up, $250.00 lock change. This leaves a balance of $517.96. We need membership!
OLD BUSINESS: Key Policy: We're still trying to recover from 1 year (flood 2016-17) no income and flood damage. No keys sold in 2016-17. 2017-18 39 keys @ $50 @= $1950 income YTD. Even with 40 more keys at $ 50.00 @ (78 members is yearly average) only generates $2000.00 revenue which will only pay insurance for coming year. We NEED more membership. Re key usually happens in spring, but present members got keys from Oct. 2017 to present (most recent key only sold last month). Board feels unfair in charging existing members 2X in 1 year and re key costs $250.00 for lock change. We need to get all members on same schedule (spring) as all keys need to fit same lock. We will not re key this month. Present members please get your friends/neighbors to become paying members this month and/or donate funds to keep association solvent. Keys for this season available at clean up 5/19/18 or call Bill at 262-1967. The ring that attaches lock needs to be ground down to make lock easier to open.
WEBSITE: The association has a website at Terrace Beach Association. The more
visits the better placement on Google, so please visit for information. The website is sponsored by (paid for) by Suzanne Lyons and tech support is donated by Amanda Lyons. We are trying to make the website the method of contact to phase out snail mail which is ineffective, expensive, and time consuming. Suzanne L. will contact the bank about credit card account for key payment.
BEACH CLEAN UP: The date for beach clean up and key exchange for those who have not paid since October 2017 will be available on May 19, 2018. Please bring cash or check payable to Terrace Beach Association for $50.00. Members should bring rakes, shovels, weed eaters, etc. We will clean the beach area, pull the shed back onto the beach property, and repair the fence. Those who can get into the water may pull tules to open the swim beach area ord. no. 2616 4, 1-21-2003. Pizza and drinks will be provided. Joe S. motioned to spend up to $100 for food for the clean up. Suzanne L. 2nd. Passed unan. Nicole Wagner motioned to spend up to $100 for materials (wire and fasteners) for fence repairs. Joe S. 2nd. Unan. Suzanne L. motioned to pay up to $400.00 for porta potty for May thru Aug. Nicole W. 2nd unan.
NEW BUSINESS: Joe S. will make effort to get information necessary to sue person who drove thru the beach fence. Joe will buy a sign saying beach users need to haul away their own garbage. Cans will not be provided by the association. The ring that attaches the lock needs to be ground thinner to make lock easier. Joe S. will sponsor materials necessary to refurbish benches and tables. Joe S. motioned to put up signs prohibiting smoking and vaping at swim beach. Bill G. 2nd. Unan. Joe has the signs. We need membership drive-each member please talk to 5 potential members. We will not have enough money to re key and pay insurance with out more patronage.
Meeting adjourned 4:30 PM. Submitted by Suzanne Lyons
OCT. 1, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 5:29 PM : Board members present were: Mike Icay, Shellie Green, Gary Rieser, and Charlene Munoz. Other members were: Janice Kespohl, Suzanne Lyons, Bill Graham, Nicole Wagner, Wayne and Kathy Ferguson, Geri Rieser, Carol Brabrook, Lisa Corbridge, Buzz and Terry Dereniuk, Joe Szupello.
TREASURER'S REPORT: There was no treasurer's report. Suzanne Lyons gave the
figure for the transfer from the CD to the checking account with a total of $7173.69 in the checking account and a zero balance in the CD as of 9/1/2017. The Board voted to cash in the CD at the Aug. 2017 meeting in order to meet expenses for the repair of the green pier and the repair to the beach fence.
MINUTES: Charlene Munoz read revised minutes from the Aug. meeting.
Mike Icay requested that all minutes give full names. Buzz Dereniuk made a motion to approve the minutes. Bill 2nd
. Unanimous.
OLD BUSINESS: Gary Reiser reported that he had checked with officer Dale Stobe on 9/25/17 about the hit and run accident that damaged the beach fence and the officer said he would look into the matter that was pending. Shellie has the paper work and Mike Icay said that our insurance will follow up if we can give them the necessary information. Gary reported that 2 encroachments were paid in 2017. Kathy Ferguson said that we should be prepared for another bad winter and we need to winterize the piers and the beach. Dennis Elliston has been working on repairs to the white pier. He did the winterization on the white pier this past winter and cleaned up the beach along Lakeshore before 4th of July. Bill Graham reported that the locks have been changed as of this week and there are 23 paid members as of now with 1 from payment in April (Lori Stahr). Gary Reiser will get the e-mail addresses and phone #'s to Bill Graham.
ELECTIONS: Shellie Green conducted the election and voted the proxies. The vote was as follows: Scott Lubich 27, Suzanne Lyons 22, Bill Graham 21, Shellie Green 16, Nicole Wagner 15, Joe Szupello 14, and Mike Icay will remain on the board for 1 year per association by-laws.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:38 PM.
Minutes submitted by Suzanne Lyons
AUGUST 30, 2017
present: Mike Icay-Chair, Gary Reisen-Vice Chair, Charlene-Recording
Secretary, Shellie Green-Secretary, Guests: Martin Sheel, Suzanne Lyons, Bill
Graham, Nicole Wagner.
OLD BUSINESS: 270 parcels with 224 property owners are potentially
eligible for membership. 70 paid memberships as of 2016. 2017 there was no
membership drive due to spring flooding on Lakeshore Blvd. No income from
membership in this year. Mike has key to PO box but location of 2nd key
unknown. Last location, to be retrieved from Linda Farris (minutes 6/4/2014
Frawna Thurman)
NEW BUSINESS: 2 paid memberships at this meeting: Nichole Wagner
($50) and Bill Graham ($100). No keys were exchanged at this time. Suzanne
Lyons made request for bank (treasurer's report) statements from 2015.
No recompense from John Hadley (N. Lakeshore Blvd.) driver who drove
through beach fence 5/26/16. Insurance quote for Terrace fix $1700. Needs to
be paid. Police report incomplete. Gary Reisner and Shellie Green will follow
up with the police dept.
Mike to find out if CD is separate from “savings account” mentioned in
previous minutes. Shellie brought receipts for green pier repairs as follows:
$2128.28, $1201.58 (lumber), $652.39 (lumber) $40. Labor done gratis by
Cerelli family. Thanks Cerellis! Total: $4022.25. Repairs to gate on beach
$750. $4772.25 total owed for repairs. Checking account balance at present
$315. To pay bills board voted to cash in CD. Shellie Green motioned to
authorize Suzanne Lyons to sign CD over to checking account to pay for
repairs to green pier and beach gate. Gary Reisen 2nd. Unanimous. Shellie
Green motioned that the monies transferred from CD to checking account shall
be repaid to savings from: donations, membership dues and insurance recovery
money. Gary Reisen 2nd. Unanimous. Friday Mike and Suzanne Lyons will meet at Savings Bank to cash in CD to pay outstanding bills.
Carol B. resigned from Board and returned boxes of keys for memberships to
Mike Icay. Mike has pictures of white pier and our insurance agent has given
OK for white pier. Dennis repaired white pier (I board still to be replaced. Bill Graham has the board.) Dennis weeded beach front for 4th of July. All his work was gratis because. Thanks, Dennis!
Shellie Green made motion to charge all membership $50 per year. Charlene
2nd. Unanimous.
Shellie Green will set up for the General Meeting. Meeting set for Oct. 1, 2017.
Shellie will be gone Sept. 15-26. Food will be hot dogs and drinks (soda and
beer) Motion to pay no more than $250 for food. Unanimous. Mike made
motion to pay for postage not to exceed $140. Charlene 2nd. Unanimous. Gary will mail merge and print flier. Shellie will reorganize flier as seen fit.
Gary volunteered to print large poster (36”) on melimac board to advertise for
membership. To be installed on green pier. Bill Graham and Suzanne Lyons
volunteered to design poster.
Board decision by consensus to hold garage sale before General Meeting on
Mike's (and other front row households) front lawns to help raise donations and
awareness of association meeting. Shellie will take proxies at that time if not
mailed in. She will have sign up sheet for e-mail addresses at that time. Need
roster of candidates.
By consensus board decided to retain a website for the association.
Charlene will write letter to raise money for pier repairs.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.
Unofficial minutes submitted by Suzanne Lyons