Terrace Beach Association
The Terrace Beach Association handed out keys and collected membership dues at the beach clean up which was noticed by mail to all eligible households. If you did not pay your 2021 membership dues and receive your key at that time or make arrangements with the Treasurer to get your key, you need to do so by June 25th if you want beach and pier access on or before July 4th. There will not be anyone available to give you a key between June 26th and July 12th. So don't wait, act now. Use the Contact link on the website to request a key. Dues are $100 per season with the return of an old key. Make checks payable to the Terrace Beach Association.
Beach Clean Up
The beach clean up and key exchange is scheduled for Saturday, May 1st at 10AM until 1PM. Please bring shovels, rakes and weed eaters to help clear the old vegetation. We will have the locks changed and give out new keys to those who have paid their dues for this season and those who wish to become members for this season. We are in desperate need of keys. If you had a key last season, you need to bring it to the key exchange. There will be a $5.00 charge for unreturned keys. The membership dues are $100.00. If you come and help at the clean up and return last season's key, there is a $25.00 discount (membership $75.00). It is helpful if you come to the beach clean up for your key as it makes it easier on the treasurer to give out keys at one time and location rather than chase around trying to get keys to individuals at different times and places. Use of the beach and piers at $100 per season is a great deal. Please come and help with the upkeep. The roofs on the piers are in need of repair. If you have skills in this kind of work, please let us know through the contact link. Hope to see you all there on the 1st!
We are getting ready for our Terrace Beach Association general meeting which will be held via Zoom this year because of the pandemic. We have a list of members who have sent us their e-mail addresses. On Thursday, Feb. 11th we will e-mail those members the link to the Zoom meeting which will take place on Saturday, Feb. 13th at 1PM. If you have not sent your e-mail address to us you need to do so before Thursday. E-mail addresses should be sent to the contact address on this website. The agenda for the meeting will follow. We can only vote on items that are included on this agenda as the zoom meeting must be completed in the hour time frame allowed by Zoom. If you have an item you wish to have us consider, please let me know via e-mail before Thursday.
OLD BUSINESS: 1. Consider hiring person to clear major vegetation from beach area from white pier to swim beach. This was voted on several years ago at the general meeting.
Compile list of those able and willing to help fix problems
ie. roofs on piers, storm damage etc.
NEW BUSINESS: Do we want to send letter to City of Lakeport about traffic/speed along beach front. Explain key program for 2021. Who is able to help with Website beginning in Summer. Vote for new board members.
Zoom Meeting Information: People in the Clear Lake Terrace tract should have received a flier advising you of a Zoom meeting to take place on Feb. 13, 2021 at 1PM. If you want to attend the meeting, you need to send your e-mail address to this web site under “Contact” so we can e-mail you the link. If you have an issue or concern you wish to have discussed at the meeting you should let me know through the “contact” e-mail link on the website so the item can be put on the meeting agenda. There will be an election of board members, and only paid up members may vote. If you were a paid up member in 2020 you do not need to send in dues until the May beach clean up meeting scheduled for May 1, 2021.
Only paid up members may vote or run for the board. If you are not a paid member but want to become one before the meeting, contact me at the web site e-mail address.
The offices for the board are: Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. The duties of the president include running the meetings, so it is important for a candidate to be able to stick to an agenda and manage a meeting. The Treasurer is responsible for keeping the checking account balance, paying the bills, accepting dues payments and dispensing keys as well as managing the changing of the locks each year. The Secretary is responsible for taking and posting the
meeting minutes, preparing the agenda, and posting information to the web site. She/he also prepares any correspondence and prepares the meeting notices. A recent board position is the Technology Officer who posts information and pictures to the web site and manages the web site. The other board members are members at large and bring concerns to the board and vote on the direction the board will take on various issues.
Watch this page for a copy of the agenda prior to the meeting.
Hope to see you all on Zoom and we all hope that we will be able to meet in person and enjoy our beach and piers together in the future. Suzanne Lyons, secretary terrace Beach Association.
Click on the above pictures to see how nice the Terrace Beach property looks down by the white pier looking north and south. This area was cleared by a weed management team paid for out of pocket by beach association member Suzanne Lyons. Other areas along the beach are in dire need of grooming as catalpas (which can grow over forty feet high) and willows are taking over the area at an alarming rate. The Terrace Beach Association does not have funds available to keep this area mowed and pruned. It is up to individual members to work on the lakefront in order to keep the view and access to the lake attractive and open. If current members would work to get more paid members into the association, we might have enough in the way of funds to keep this property up. Look at other areas of the shoreline along Lakeshore Blvd. to see what happens when the blackberries and willows take over. Management at that point is difficult and very costly. If everyone who is able, either physically with pruning shears and weed eaters, or by donating money in addition to their yearly dues to hire a brush clearing team, would participate, we could keep this really unique area pristine and beautiful. If you can help with either funds or labor, please let board members know by message to our contact page on this website.
The new swim float being towed to its new home by the green pier.
This is not a picture of a new type of lake motor craft. This is the new swim float being towed to its berth at the green pier. The association has not had the money to replace the old swim float that was twisted and finally destroyed by the wave action last year. Again the Cerelli family has come through and purchased a new float out of their own pockets. This is the same family who paid for all of the labor on the repair of the green pier two years ago. It is association members like these who make it possible to have a viable recreation facility that can be used by all members for the small price of only $100 per year. Now who would like to volunteer to clear the opening to the swim beach so swimmers and boaters and jet skiers have better access to the lake?
We would like to thank who ever cleaned up the Terrace Beach; it looks great!
Because of the Shelter in Place edict, there was no formal beach clean up this spring. The swim beach was looking pretty shaggy. Bill Graham did some clean up as did Scott Lubich. There was one of those wicked weeds that takes 10 men and a boy to remove, so Bill was going to go back with his scythe to battle it. Imagine how wonderful it felt to ride by on our bikes and see that someone had already done the job of mowing, chopping and cleaning up. We don't know who you are; but we are really grateful . You did a super job!
June 22, 2019 Beach Clean up
On Saturday, June 22, 2019 a group of enthusiastic Terrace Beach Association members worked hard to clean up the swimming beach. The youngest worker bee was 9 months old, the oldest 75 years old. Seven large garbage bags of flotsam and a huge trailer load of clippings, wire and jetsam was collected. The biggest item was the remnants of the green swim float that was so severely damaged in the winter storms as to be unsalvageable. The float, which constituted a liability to the association, was towed by Bill G. with a kayak to the swim beach and dismantled by the beach clean up crew. Weeds, tules, garbage and clippings were cleared. One table and bench set and the food service table were covered with oil cloth to make a more pleasant eating area. The chairs and chaise are probably salvageable, but only one of the picnic tables looks to be in good enough shape to be repaired. We need more people to become members if we hope to repair and replace the beach furniture. We hope to purchase a second hand swim float. But this will require more money than we have available, and what we have on account is just enough to pay the ongoing expenses. There were several young families at the clean up and a number of kids, so we hope that this new family membership will infuse the association with new energy. The tules need to be thinned, so watercraft and swimmers have better lake access. This can be done legally as the shoreline ordinance provides for the clearing of lakefront property that has traditionally been cleared (as our beach has). We hope to see more neighbors becoming members and enjoying the facilities. The lake is high this year, so the swimming should be good for some time to come. Boaters and jet skiers please watch out for swimmers in the water! We encourage Terrace residence who are not association members to join and help us manage this unique and extraordinary property. See our clean up pictures in the photo gallery.
November 2, 2018
Below is a copy of the association general meeting notice for 2018. If you are interested in being on the Terrace Beach Association Board and want members to vote for you on their proxies, please e-mail me at the address on the contact page on this web site, so I can post your name on the site and/or e-mail members to let them know you are interested. Please attend the general meeting at Round Table Pizza on Dec. 1, 2018 from 11 AM to 1PM to get your new keys for the 2019 season. Do look at the minutes that are posted on the minutes page.Hope to see you for pizza, Suzanne Lyons, Secretary Terrace Beach Association
August 15, 2018
It is time to start thinking about what the conversation should be at the Terrace Beach Association general meeting this fall. The meeting has been traditionally held in August at the swim beach. However, with the disruption from the recent fires, the meeting will not take place until the end of September or beginning of October. At this meeting we will present the yearly financial report, discuss association priorities and vote for the new board of directors.
Bill and I took a walk to the swim beach yesterday. It is in dire need of maintenance and appears to be unused. The tules have almost closed the access to the lake, and the weeds have started to take over the beach itself. Since our membership is only about half of what our traditional membership has been, we have only enough funds to keep the absolutely mandatory bills paid such as insurance, post office box and encroachment fees. The south end of the Terrace property is in good shape thanks to sweat equity and the individual homeowners paying for shoreline maintenance. The two piers are in good shape, again because of individual support from members. But the north end of the property is in need of work in order to keep it clear. The willows are taking over the view and there are Catalpas (which will grow to 50 feet in height if not managed); there is even a stubborn fig tree growing out of the sand bags by the swim beach. Some items to discuss at the general meeting will be: how we want to manage the property, if we want to raise the membership dues and what our priorities will be in the future of the beach association. Please take some time to look at the shoreline between the white pier and North Lakeport and notice how little of the lake can be seen and enjoyed by residents and visitors. We have one of the last expansive views on this side of the lake, and it would be a shame to loose it to rank vegetation. Please have some ideas on how we can better manage our property, and try to get your neighbors to join the Terrace Beach Association this season.
May 11, 2018
Bill and I (Suzanne) checked out the "fenced" beach area in order to get ready for the beach clean up on May 19, 2018. Someone has pruned a huge number of willow branches. Unfortunately, they left all of the pruned material lying on the beach. If you prune or cut willows, please remove the pruned material. Every twig and stick of willow material left on the ground will produce another tree in a very short time. If you cannot remove the prunings at the time, it is better to leave the trees unpruned until such time as you or someone else can remove the "undead" waste. Thank you for keeping the willow menace at "bay."
May 10, 2018
We are in the process of gearing up for our annual Terrace Beach clean up. The Clean Up will take place on Saturday, May 19th at the beach at 10AM. We need people to help pull the shed back onto the property, weed eat, fix the fence, and refurbish the tables and benches. We also need people to go into the water and remove some tules in order to widen the lake access. We will have hot dogs, drinks and chips for those who help. Please bring rakes, weed eaters, BIG garbage bags, shovels and tools to accomplish these tasks. If you visit this web site please send it to 2 other members or potential members, so that it will ease the communication with beach association members and potentially save us money with mailing information. The Board of Directors will meet on the Saturday before the Clean Up to make decisions about umbrellas, garbage removal and a porta potty. Because we have not had a membership drive covering an entire year, we will have to spend our funds this season judiciously as our big expense will be the insurance. We did not get reimbursed from the jerk who slammed through our fence in his car, thanks in part to lack of co operation from the Lakeport Police Department. Former board members and present members tried hard to get the necessary information to take the case to court but it has been a loosing battle. The man was an uninsured driver, and our insurance is for our liability only in case someone is hurt on the premises. Hope to see you all at the clean up!
Jan. 27, 2018
The City of Lakeport has a grant to repair Lakeshore Blvd. along our beach front. The city has a right of way easement on the property. Members of the Terrace Beach Association Board and others from the general membership met with the city staff as well as staff members from the County of Lake to review the plans and protest the planting of willows on the beach. The city staff listened to our objections and decided to plant tules instead of willows.
The pier has been repaired, thanks to the Association's vigilance and attention and to those volunteers who donated their labor.
Dec. 18, 2017
Miraculously our two piers (white and green) survived the flood waters that closed Lakeshore Blvd. for five weeks last winter. Thanks to Dennis Elliston, the white pier has been sufficiently retrofitted to pass muster with the Association's insurance agent. The green pier, which sustained major damage, has been all but rebuilt by the Terrace Beach Association and volunteers. Because of the lack of access and the fact that the beach amenities were not usable, no beach memberships were sold and no keys were traded in last spring. Needless to say, this situation has depleted the Association treasury to an unprecedented balance. Please pay your membership dues, and get your new key. See other links for specifics.
October 8, 2017
The new board members are busy getting the bank information switched over and getting the keys out to the members. As of today there are 30 paid members. The yearly average is about 70 members, so please let your neighbors know that they can pay their dues and switch out their new key by calling Bill Graham at 262-1967 or e-mailing him at dandylyons0057@sbcglobal.net. Please remember to return your old key as the keys are expensive and we like to keep track of them. We need a work crew to help move the shed on the beach as it has started to slide onto the neighboring property. If you can help on that work crew or can be a person to call if we need help with removing every other board if we have a stormy winter, please e-mail or call Bill Graham with your contact information.
September 2017
Because of the extreme weather conditions this winter and the closure of Lakeshore Blvd. due to flooding, The Terrace Beach Association was unable to hold its spring beach clean up and key exchange in 2017. This means that there has not been the income to the association that traditionally pays for ongoing expenses such as insurance, lakebed fees, the lock change and rekey, accounting, and beach maintenance. Added to this have been the repairs to both the piers and the fixing of the swim beach fence and gate after the accident that destroyed those amenities. For these reasons, the bank account is depleted and the swim beach has not been maintained in its usual manner. However, the piers have been repaired, thanks to the Association's vigilance and attention and to those volunteers who donated their labor. In order to bring our operating funds back to previous levels, we are asking members to purchase their keys this year and to donate more if possible. We would also ask members to join their neighbors in bringing back the camaraderie and sense of community that make the Terraces such a special place to live. Come to the meeting on Oct.1, 2017. Vote for your board of directors and think about how you can help make your community even stronger.